
Rabbids Coding Level Design Challenge

Level Design

As part of an opportunity with Ubisoft and Bibliothèque Sans Frontières, I designed a level for Rabbids Coding. The final level was submitted and tested by a team at Ubisoft, and was ultimately one of the 8 levels to be selected to be added into the game, out of 70 different submitted levels.

The competition allowed me to apply my level design skills to an industry project, as well as further honing my skills and gaining some industry experience in the process. As a team, we created multiple different levels before choosing one to refine as the final product; I lead the team, and the level that we ultimately picked was one that I designed.

The level is available to play in-game now, it is Level 33. The game is available for PC from the Ubisoft Store.

Design Process and Level Playthrough Video: